Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Stories That Never End:Not an Avoidable Issue.............:((((

“Two boys the trademark muscular built and tight shirt, dancing like they do on marriages and singing song for a girl who was sitting alone waiting for someone, at a public restaurant.” 

Most of us have been writing articles and posts on the sexual harassment, but wrote very little on this issue. This phenomenon of eve-teasing stands for public harassment, teasing and molestation of women by men. The term may not be found in European and American literature much, but the process takes place even in western cultures too. The semantic roots of the euphemistic term basically originate from Indian English language. The strangest thing about eve-teasing is that it’s a much difficult crime to prove, as compared with the sexual harassment. The Indian government has taken measures and steps against this thing by establishing women police stations and anti eve-teasing cells. Eve-teasing starts with some street molestation and can go up to a severe crime, like acid throwing. The eve-teasing that results in death of the victim can ultimately be linked with a crime. For example the death of Sarika Shah and Pearl Gupta, who both died as a result of eve-teasing, raised the issue to be thought provoking. The women rights organization helped to pass ‘The Delhi Prohibition of Eve-teasing Bill 1984′.

Whatever I found on eve-teasing issue, were the laws and punishments by the Indian government. The National Commission for Women proposed No 9. Eve Teasing (New Legislation) in 1988. According to Indian Penal Code, a man found guilty of passing comments, remarks, making obscene gestures and singing vulgar songs, can be sentenced to imprisonment for three months. The section 292 clearly spells that the man showing pornographic material to a girl or woman would be fined Rs. 2000 with an imprisonment of two years for first offenders and in case of repeated offense, could be sentenced to a fine of Rs. 5000 with five years of imprisonment. ‘The Black Noise Project’ is yet another initiative by Jasmeen Patheja taken against eve-teasing.

The psychology of eve-teasing is not that simple. Some people hold a myth that because of their, attractive looks, dress and make-up, eve-teasing comes up. But, some women covering themselves completely and without any make-up even reported it. Even the girls wearing Hijab and Abaya complained of it. People hold a second myth to it that women should not go out and stay at home. What would happen to working widows and single moms, who have to earn and raise their children? If they stick to their homes, who is going to feed their kids? The same applies to college and university students. The myth states that they should bid adieu to their studies forever. A third myth associated with eve-teasing is that only young and beautiful college girls are victims of it. Not only college girls are the victims, but some senior 40+ aged women are also molested. School girls, college students, working women regularly go through mortifying comments by the disruptive men at public places.

The similar phenomenon has been described as “Chikan” in Japanese culture, with a little variation in it. The kind of sexual antagonism is even harder to define in every culture. It’s just not a street gesture but a social evil and lethal crime. Even the term originates from India, but the phenomenon is experienced a lot in Pakistan and Bangladesh too. In Bangladesh, they recently observed “Eve Teasing Protection Day” on 13th June, 2010. In Pakistan, we see so many cases and examples of it at schools, cinemas, universities, bus stops, college gates, cinemas, shopping centers, NGOs, Malls, concerts, cafes, restaurants and even business centers aren’t free of this rampant evil. You would find groups of boys trying to attract or gather a female’s attention, by singing songs, passing comments and staring badly at times. Eve-teasing has its own objectives and it’s strange to note that the teasers and victims are ordinary people. The eve teasing cases are usually ignored. But the eve-teasing cases that lead to the suicide and death of the victim cannot be ignored at any cost, because sometimes it overlaps with sexual harassment. How would one define eve-teasing by the recruitment manager of a company, who saves cell number from electronic CV of a female candidate and then makes dumb unwanted phone calls? (Text eve-teasing)Even if someone covers herself the calls would still be there. How would you define cyber eve-teasing? One can only feel cyber eve- teasing. Eve teasing in the corporate world is both unethical as well as unprofessional.

Most people define and would take it as fun. But the same teasers would react badly and would be ready to kill someone who teases their siblings. One must know and understand that this is not just an ordinary joke but it has serious ramifications. What shocked me more was that India and Bangladesh are raising awareness among people on this social evil. I didn’t see any research work, article or any kind of awareness campaign in Pakistan regarding this issue. Though on sexual harassment, there are many articles and blogs. Even the sexual harassment bill is in its implementation phase and doldrums. Is it because of the reason that we perceive ‘eve teasing’ as sexual harassment or we never bothered to raise any awareness on this topic? Is ‘eve-teasing’ as a soft way of describing blatant harassment that ranges from verbal to physical abuse, may be facial at times? We have been talking about sexual harassment, but talked nothing about ‘eve teasing’? Does it need a law in a situation like where women, who dare to come out on the streets are subjected to unconcealed sexual harassment and catcalls by men, a behavior that would be highly punishable by jail-terms in most of the western countries. The recent chopping off nose of a teaser isn’t the right solution nor is the beating up the culprit is the right one. Instead of treating it as a social evil, would make some sense. It has become a sadistic cycle. If India and Bangladesh are taking measures on this issue, why can’t we do the same? I would simply shun out the critics who talk about Adam-teasing, since Eve-teasing is more rampant. Apart from being a crime, it damages the self esteem and dignity of a woman publicly. Avoiding this issue may not serve as a remedy. A civilized society must not afford to disregard such an important issue, since it makes parents insecure. It deserves to be handled keenly. Eliminating eve-teasing would help women visit public places without any fear, boost their self esteem and will further gender equality. 

EvE TeAsInG:A nIgHtMaRe......

Eve Teasing Eve Teasing: A Nightmare
The horror of eve-teasing first hit me at the age of thirteen. I was in the middle of a crowded market, when a man walking towards me tried to squeeze my thigh. I elbowed him in the stomach with all the strength I could muster, and he walked away quietly, shamefaced. Yet I suddenly felt sick, petrified and edgy, afraid that what had happened once could happen again. I also developed a dislike for crowds
 Then dawned the realization that this was not my problem alone. Talking to friends and classmates I realized that that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach that happens when one is forced to be in a congested place is something most young girls and women share.
 A piece of advice given to most of us was that as long as an eve-teaser is at a physical distance from you, ignore him and his comments. “Don’t go looking for trouble. If someone is staring at you, pretend like you haven’t noticed. If there are catcalls, let them go. You never know what someone might do if you respond with anger or annoyance.” Does it sound like something you’ve been hearing too? If you’re female, and anywhere between 15 and 50 in age, chances are that you have, more than once.
 The biggest problem with eve-teasing and molestation is that victims seldom report incidents, so the perpetrators of these crimes are rarely prosecuted. This leads to a belief amongst them that no action will take place against them, and so they continue to sexually harass women. To understand why many victims don’t speak up, take action or file complaints, one must first understand the psyche of community at large. Instead of pinning the blame squarely where it belongs, on the shoulders of the eve-teaser or molester, it views the victim critically. It alleges that her clothing, gait, behaviour or character was provocative and “immoral” and thus she was asking for it. Often, the victims too blame themselves and believe that some flaw within them led to the molestation. This attitude leads the victim to a sense of shame, and she feels that perhaps it is better to keep quiet about her trauma.
I could tell you hundreds of stories I’ve heard from dozens of women; of having to hear lewd comments from men zipping by on bikes as you walk on the side of a road, of the frustration of them zooming ahead before you have a chance to yell back, of being groped in the Metro, of lewd stares from men in cars or on bikes when your car or auto stops at a traffic signal, of people ‘accidentally’ pushing up against you in a DTC bus. But chances are, you may have your own story to tell. Don’t let it remain just a story. Women – please, speak up now, don’t be mute sufferers. Men – please treat women with the dignity they deserve, and stop being mute spectators when a woman is being harassed. Everybody – do not accuse the victim of having brought it upon herself. No woman asks to be attacked, physically or mentally. We want to be able to live without fear, to go to work, college or just a market, without feeling abused. Join our struggle and help all women, to help every woman you know.
Another problem is that amongst those who witness such incidences, there is a reluctance to rescue the victim or become involved in any way. This attitude of turning a blind eye to any problem one doesn’t consider one’s own further compounds the victim’s dilemma about speaking up, as she can never be sure whether anyone will come to her aid or she’ll be left alone to tackle with the unpleasant and perhaps even dangerous molester.

AcCoRdInG To OuR WiKiPeDiA...............P

Eve teasing is a euphemism used in India and sometimes PakistanBangladesh and Nepal for public sexual harassment,street harassment or molestation of women by men, with Eve being a reference to the biblical Eve.
Considered a problem related to delinquency in youth it is a form of sexual aggression that ranges in severity from sexually suggestive remarks, brushing in public places, catcalls, to outright groping. Sometimes it is referred to with a coy suggestion of innocent fun, making it appear innocuous with no resulting liability on the part of the perpetrator.Many feminists and voluntary organizations have suggested that the expression be replaced by a more appropriate term. According to them, considering the semantic roots of the term in Indian English, eve-teasing refers to the temptress nature of Eve, placing responsibility on the woman as a tease, as though the aggressive response of the males was normal rather than criminal.
Eve-teasing has been a notoriously difficult crime to prove, as perpetrators often devise ingenious ways to attack women, even though many feminist writers term it as "little rapes", and usually occur in public places, streets, and public transport.
Some guidebooks to the region warn female tourists that eve teasing may be avoided by wearing conservative clothing, though eve teasing is reported both by Indian women and by conservatively-dressed foreign women.

Legal redress

Though Indian law doesn't use the term 'eve teasing', victims usually seek recourse through Section 298 (A) and (B) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which sentences a man found guilty of making a girl or woman the target of obscene gestures, remarks, songs or recitation for a maximum jail tenure of three months. Section 292 of the IPC clearly spells out that showing pornographic or obscene pictures, books or slips to a woman or girl draws a fine of Rs.2000 with two years of rigorous imprisonment for first offenders. In case of repeated offence, the offender may have a fine of Rs.5000 with five years imprisonment imposed. Under Section 509 of the IPC, obscene gestures, indecent body language and acidic comments directed at any woman or girl carries a penalty of rigorous imprisonment for one year or a fine or both.
The 'National Commission for Women' (NCW) has also proposed No 9. Eve Teasing (New Legislation) 1988.

Public response

‘Fearless Karnataka’ or ‘Nirbhaya Karnataka’ is a coalition of many individuals and groups including ‘Alternative Law Forum’, ‘Blank Noise’, ‘Maraa’, ‘Samvada’ and ‘Vimochana’. After rise of eve teasing cases in 2000s, it organized several public awareness campaigns, including 'Take Back the Night’, followed by another public art project titled, The Blank Noise Project, starting in Bangalore in 2003.A similar program to fight eve-teasing was also hosted in Mumbai in 2008.
In Delhi, one of India's most dangerous cities for women,the Department of Women and Child Development established a steering committee in 2009 to prepare the city for the Commonwealth Games to be held in 2010.
In Mumbai, Ladies Special trains have been introduced to allow women working and studying in the city to travel without the fear of eve-teasing, for the length of the journey at least. With the number of women needing to travel doubling since 1995, there is a very strong demand for these kinds of services. Today "Ladies Special" Compartments are present in all local trains of the big cities. In other trains, ladies are advised to travel in AC Coaches as these would be free of the economically poor and socially backward eve-teasers.

Depiction in popular culture

Traditionally, Indian cinema has depicted eve teasing as a part of flirtatious beginnings of a courtship, along with the usual accompaniment of song and dance routines, which invariably results in the heroine submitting to the hero's advances towards the end of the song, and young men tend to emulate the example, depicted so flawlessly on screen and which gave rise to the Roadside Romeo which even made it a film version in Roadside Romeo (2007) (Starring Saif Ali Khan).It also has been popularly depicted that when a girl is teased by eve teasers, the hero will come and beat them up, such as in the Telugu films Madhumasam and Magadheera and also the Hindi film Wanted. Nowadays, this issue is also featured in Indian television Soaps.


Though the problem received public and media attention in 1960s, it was in the following decades, when more and more women started going out to colleges and work independently, which means they are often no longer accompanied by a male escort as had been a norm in traditional society, that the problem grew to an alarming proportion. Soon theIndian government had to take remedial measures, both judicial and law enforcement, to curb the menace and efforts were made to sensitize the police about the issue, and police started rounding up eve teasers. The deployment of plain-clothed female police officers for the purpose has been particularly effective,other measures seen in various states were setting up of Women's Helpline in various cities, Women Police stations, and special anti-eve-teasing cells by the police.
Also seen during this period was a marked rise in number women coming forward to report incidence of eve-teasing like cases of sexual harassment due to changing public opinion against eve teasers. In addition, the severity of eve-teasing incidences grew as well, in some cases leading to acid throwing, which in turn led to states like Tamil Nadu making eve teasing a non bailable offense. The number of women's organization and those working for women's rights also saw a rise, especially as this period also saw a rise in reports of bride burning. The increase in violent incidents towards women meant previously lackadaisical attitudes towards women's rights had to be abandoned by law makers. In the coming years, such organizations played a key role in lobbying for the eventual passing of legislation designed to protect women from violent eve-teasing, including 'The Delhi Prohibition of Eve-teasing Bill 1984'.
The death of a female student, Sarika Shah, in Chennai in 1998, caused by Eve-teasing, brought some tough laws to counter the problem in South India.After this case, there has been about half-a-dozen reports of suicide that have been attributed to pressures caused by eve teasing. In 2007, an eve-teasing resulted in the death of Pearl Gupta, a college student in Delhi. In February 2009, female students from M.S. University (MSU) Vadodara assaulted four young men near the family and community sciences faculty, after they passed lewd comments on a girl student staying in SD Hall hostel.
Many other cases go unreported for fear of reprisals and exposure to public shame. In some cases police let the offenders go, after public humiliation through the murga punishment. In 2008, a Delhi court ordered a 19 year old youth, after he was caught eve teasing, to distribute 500 handbills, detailing the consequences of indecent conduct, to youngsters outside schools and colleges.

Why is eve-teasing so common in India?

When I first heard of this incident where a group of boys in Mumbai followed some young girls and then almost ran over one of them in their eagerness to attract their attention I was shocked. The injured girl (just ten years old!) was shown on TV and it was reported that she could be in hospital for several months – it was very disturbing to say the least.
Whats upsetting is that culprits are now free on bail.
Is this what our country is coming to? I know we have no laws strong enough to either deter eve-teasers or to prevent rash driving…but what about public outrage? There was another incident in Mumbai recently where a man deliberately played porno clips on his cell phone while sitting next to a girl in a bus. He kept thrusting the phone close to her face…finally the girl stopped the bus and took the man to the police. Not a single commuter came forward to help her…in fact even the police were reluctant to register the complaint! They felt that she should have simply slapped the man instead of complaining to the police.
It is no big secret that the police don’t take eve-teasing incidents seriously. Eve-teasing is so common that the police are terrified of the flood of complaints they might receive if they did register the complaints! Shame on them.
Is Bollywood the culprit?
Our films are not helping. Those boys in the jeep for example…they followed the girls, and when the girls crossed the road in panic, they made a U-turn to get nearer, and this is when the accident happened. Haven’t we seen umpteen Bollywood movies where the protagonist follows a girl whom he has taken a fancy to, and heckles her until she responds?
There are some people who firmly believe that its Bollywood which perpetuates the myth that girls like to be teased and stared at …there was an interesting comment I read on a post on eve-teasing. The commentator (who lives in Dubai) is convinced that the reason why it is mostly South Asian men who indulge in this behavior is because they watch Bollywood movies. She gives the example of how “Indian and Pakistani labourers go the beaches and sit fully dressed and stare at the women swimmers…”Certainly we have many situations in Bollywood films where the hero’s sidekick ogles and makes an ass of himself when he sees a pretty woman. He thinks nothing of passing comments and approaching her…it is supposed to be amusing…
But its said that films reflect society and not the other way round…well, something is wrong with our society then.
Films will only influence only those who are susceptible. It’s like blaming television for the increasing violence in society…in this articlewhich I wrote for the Times of India, I had spoken to several psychiatrists about whether violent behavior and television viewing was related, and all of them said that it was the home environment which mattered the most. And ofcourse- it also depended on how much TV you watched.
Certainly anyone who lives in the fantasy world of Bollywood will lose all sense of reality. He will fail to see that his favourite heroes on celluloid behave differently in real life. That in fact they are gentlemen. If the actors are acting in stupid movies which put a stamp of respectability on eve-teasing, well, its because film stars do not usually feel that they have a social responsibility. As for the directors, they are the ones who actually believe that a little bit of eve-teasing is harmless…
So common has eve-teasing become is that some men actually consider it the proper way to woo women. On my post on molestation I got several comments from men (I posted one, but deleted the others as they used bad language while referring to women) saying that eve-teasing was a good way to get to know the woman!! He said there was no other way to get to know women in a conservative society like ours. We like to blame lower class men for eve-teasing, but I doubt whether the man who wrote such a comment was a labourer. If he was, he would have been unable to write in English or would not had access to a pc.
There are those (although they do not eve-tease and molest women themselves) who feel that women make too much of a fuss about eve-teasing. Or that its not common…there are actually men who insist that molestation is not common because they haven’t seen it themselves! As if an eve-teaser will grope a woman if he thinks another guy is watching!
Faulty training at home
Where the eve-teasers in India are concerned – they come from a background where they are taught that women who go out are ‘bad’ girls and deserve to be teased. Or that the women don’t mind. Or that eve-teasing is a harmless activity… a way to get to talk to a pretty girl. These men could have also seen men in their own family treat women with scant respect.
Well, its only when the boot is on the other foot that the understanding grows. In this post I have written how a group of boys from the slums were shown how humiliated women feel when they are eve-teased. The program was conducted by social workers and there there was a lot of role-playing. After this the boys changed their attitude towards women…an attitude that had perhaps been ingrained in them by the milieu in which they lived.
Large scale programs need to be carried out by social service organisations to sensitise the boys who are prone to such behavior. These boys can be helped because most of the time they are not evil…they are not rapists and nor are they murderers. Just misguided and ofcourse – idiots.
Its also time that eve-teasing becomes a stigma in our society. Right now its looked upon with far too much indulgence. Men themselves should tell their friends who tend to tease girls that this behavior is unacceptable. If they catch their friend passing a lewd comment they should tell him that this is insulting to women…
Update: I read a report in the DNA this evening which said that the Railway Police conducted a drive to catch eve-teasers and they caught 159 boys (they were all boys below the age of 27) in just 4 days! These are just the ones they caught. Hundreds more must have got away….this makes one realise how widespread the problem actually is.

ThE mAiN pRoBlEm........P

Eve teasing is a euphemism used for sexual harassment, street harassment and obscene behaviour. Eve teasing is a major problem in India, especially in metropolitan cities. The capital of India, New Delhi leads other cities when it comes to crime against women. A large percentage of Indian women have faced or are facing this menace. Whether it is a public transport system or public places or shopping malls or multiplexes, women find themselves vulnerable to the threat of eve teasing everywhere. Eve teasing is complex problem and it requires more attention that what it has actually got.
As we know, the term ‘eve teasing’ is an Indian origin. The term itself has some demerits. Eve represents temptress and the term actually signifies that eves (women) tempt or provoke males for vulgar comments and behaviours. Ironically, that also means women cause the problem and are also a victim to it. But that is almost like blaming the victims for their sufferings. It also depicts an element of male chauvinism. Probing further, the problem of eve teasing took its roots during the 60s when women had started to venture out for schools, colleges and jobs. A social change was taking place in conservative India. The giant movement of women emancipation came with its own side effects and one of them was eve teasing.
Eve Teasing ProblemEve teasing keeps surfacing in different forms. Right from a flirtatious comment to street harassment and molestation, it can turn disastrous for women. No amounts of efforts and policies have proved to be particularly effective against this serious problem. Though, government and administration has taken steps like deploying plain clothed cops and special units like anti Romeo squads to curb the menace. Some of the state governments have made eve teasing a non-bailable offence.
Eve teasing is a complex social problem that will not vanish until the mindset is changed. Apart from law, it is also about education and respecting women. Just because women are considered weaker sex doesn’t mean that they should take things lying down. Awareness is the need of hour and government should take step towards it.


Counselling is provided by women cell's counselor Amrit Kaur (M.S.W.). She has been Counselling Since 1979.
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Her charges:rs.1500/- for the first session           followed by rs.1000/- for the rest.

Dealing With Eve Teasing

In a frightening report, in India, every 21 minutes a woman is molested and every 51 minutes a woman is sexually harassed. That tells us about the gravity of the situation. Eve teasing is a social menace that a woman has to contend with every day. There have been endless debates on why eve teasing is so rampant in India. What is so wrong with Indian men? Some blame it on influence of western culture whereas some others point their fingers on intriguing psychological reasons like fun and frustration of sex.
Eve teasing is rampant throughout the country. It does not matter whether a woman is fair or dark, school going or office going, she has to face eve teasing incidents almost on a regular basis. One prominent cause of this appalling behaviour is provocative images being splashed across the media. To some extent, this reason holds merit. In last two decades, we have come across frequent raunchy advertisements and music videos. Movies are also depicting women in insulting avatars. It is a normal trend in Bollywood movies to show eve teasing as a way to woo woman’s heart. Eve teasing is also depicted as a mode of fun for the leading characters at the cost of women’s dignity.
Dealing With Eve TeasingIt is not that fun, love or sex is the only reason that prompts men to indulge in such frivolous behaviour. Blame has to be shared by the patriarchal mindset of Indian male. Our society instils belief in men that they are more powerful and superior to women. On the contrary, women are raised with the mindset that they are the weaker sex and vulnerable. It’s not about men who should learn to respect a women’s dignity. Instead, women are made to learn to safeguard their modesty. The irony could not have been more striking.
On a positive note, there are plenty of NGOs in India who are working for the cause of women empowerment. They are teaching women on how to deal with difficult people and how to fight back against the harassment at workplace. Workplace gender discrimination is not a new thing but some prominent organizations are leading the way to rectify the situation. Dealing with eve teasing has been made further easy by some charity organizations who help women with harassment problems. We still have to go a long way to completely rectify the situation.

Protection Against Eve Teasers

The menace of eve teasing can only be overcome by empowering women to fight back. To weed out this evil, stringent laws are also needed. They say it’s tough being a woman in India. You always have to struggle to safeguard your modesty. It is like a same story every day for thousands of women all across the country. Right from the time they venture out of their homes for schools, colleges or offices, they have to be on their toes all the time. Women need to be alert while stepping on the street, waiting for the bus or sitting in an auto and moving in the market place. It can be hugely insulting and embarrassing to be subject to constant ogling, groping, lecherous comments and sexual advances.
Protection Against Eve TeasersSame story everyday and now you are wondering what to do? Many women have been found carrying pins, chilli powder, pen-knives and even daggers to protect themselves. Self-defence classes have mushroomed across metropolitan cities that teach martial arts and karate etc. Joining those classes will not be a bad idea. If you feel too shy and reserved to defend yourself and keep the suffering to yourself, its time you get up and raise your voice. Although, you can always pretend to ignore all the lewd comments but things would be much better if you can just look straight into the eyes of the offender and speak up.
If you want to protect yourself against eve teasing, you got to be street smart. Keep a firm expression on your face. Your personality should reflect that you know your mind. While going out, avoid dark lonely streets as that can invite trouble. Walk only through well lit area. If you are being followed by a sick youth, you can walk upto him and shout from the top of your lungs. It is suggested not to wear skimpy clothes if you are going to spend your day in a crowded area. Dress appropriately as provocative dresses can invite unwanted attention. Lastly, try to travel with a male escort. Though it may not always be possible but try to have arrangements where male escort is accompanying you. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Eve Teasing in India

Eve teasing is a growing problem in India. According to National Crime Records Bureau, the fastest growing crime in India is violence against women. That explains the magnitude of the situation. Every year, cases pertaining to sexual harassment and violence against women show significant percentage increase. In fact, one just has to look at the newspapers. A thorough look at inside pages dealing with local news will show number of incidents against women. Though, we have grown by leaps and bounds yet the most basic structure of society is showing no signs of improvement. In a patriarchal society, women do not enjoy that kind of status. It is always a battle for independent minded women to prove that they are not promiscuous and amoral.
Eve Teasing in IndiaEve teasing is rampant throughout India for all young women regardless of race, nationality and colour. At some point, spread of globalisation has also contributed to this shameful fact. Western entertainment portrays women in over the top sexual form and that has proved detrimental in case of Indian women. Eve teasing could take place in any form; right from lecherous glances to perverted touching. Working women and college going girls are always in danger of being eve teased. The normal perception that women instigate males for untoward actions is far from true.
Even if a female files a case against the culprits or raises her voice, she has to prove her modesty. It is she who is always subject to chastity. In a way, equality of men and women is still a fallacy and not a fact. We, as a society we have miles to go before men and women can be treated equally.
Every man needs to be aware of ‘how to treat a woman’. A woman is not just a sexual object. Eve teasing in India has to do with women empowerment and girl education. What’s the point of education if the people are not even willing to respect women? The traditional mindset often blames the eve teasing incidents on women that they provoke male by wearing scanty clothes. That is actually a lame excuse. Even if females wear modern dresses it does not give men licence to harass women. The answer lies in changing the mindset and inculcating morals and values in our education system.

Laws Against Eve Teasing in India

Eve teasing is a violation of a woman’s basic right to live in dignity. Women have always been subject to eve teasing and the trend unfortunately, continues even today. In fact, number of crimes against the women is constantly increasing. The cases pertaining to eve teasing, sexual harassment, rape, molestation etc are on all time high. Ironically, the concept of women empowerment has brought with it countless numbers of sexual crimes against them. When it comes to eve teasing, no matter what are the educational background, caste, complexion and race of women, many of them have gone through these unpleasant experiences. Study shows, almost 90 percent of college going girls have experienced some sort of sexual harassment at different points of time. Truth can’t be more painful than that.
Laws Against Eve Teasing in IndiaIndian law recognizes eve teasing as sexual harassment which is considered as a criminal activity. Indian law does not mention the term ‘eve teasing’. In recent times, the laws have been made stringent so that victim could take recourse under the law. Obscene gestures, recitation or remarks can land the victim into prison for a maximum tenure of three months. That’s not all. Even showing pornographic materials, pictures, books etc to a girl can invite two years of rigorous imprisonment along with fine of Rs. 2000.
Unfortunately, not many women register complaints of eve teasing or harassment because of the fear of humiliation and public exposure. Many women who were victim of sexual harassment commit suicide because of constant social barbs. The society is not kind to the victims. The problem here is of mindset. Even if the laws are there, one needs to pursue them with full might. It is not possible for every victim to stand in the court of law and answer uncomfortable questions. Many a times, parents themselves ask their daughters to forget the incident as it can cause them public shame and embarrassment.
However, we must appreciate the efforts taken by different NGOs and social welfare organizations who are trying to educate people about the grave consequences of eve teasing. They are also conducting programs to sensitise the males who are prone to such behaviour. The focus here is on changing the mindset and respecting the women. The attitude towards women needs to be altered only then we can expect gender equality in the real sense of the word.

Role of Parents in Stopping Eve Teasing.................;)

Eve Teasing is a common phenomenon in India. Every other day, women come across some sort of eve teasing incidents that leave a deep psychological scar on them. This is a sad state of affairs faced by women of young age. The role of parents becomes very crucial in such situation. Many a times, it has been found that suffering women get no help from their parents. Instead of parents lending a healing touch to their daughters, they place the entire blame on them. How many times you have heard parents saying, ‘men are like that only’ and it is your responsibility to protect your modesty. This is not what a woman or a daughter would like to hear from her parents. If she can’t get support from her parents who else she can trust and expect support?
First, parents should make girl child comfortable enough that she can share anything with them. If a girl has been harassed or been subject to molestation, the first place she would expect to be understood is her parents. It is the responsibility of the parents to bring up their children whether male or female with love, patience, honesty, respect for other sex and confidence. Parents can play a major role in healing the psychological scare inflicted on their daughter. They need to work as role models for their children.
Role of Parents in Stopping Eve TeasingParents should pay close attention to their teenage son, his activities and his friend circle. The truth is no parents like to have eve teasers son. They will not approve such behaviour from their son. But the seeds of the right behaviour are needed to be implanted from the childhood only. Parents should impart education in a way that child can understand both sexes are equal. A son should not be made to believe that he can go away with any crime or atrocity against a female. He should also be taught about respecting a woman.
Parents should focus on proper girl education. They need to work on girl empowerment. It is their job to make their children behave in an appropriate way and take necessary actions whenever needed. Parents of teenage girls should deal with them in a friendly manner. It is a sign of successful parenting when the offspring reposes absolute faith in his/her parents and share agonies and sorrows. If the parents are alert they can always help in avoiding a major tragedy.

EvE tEaSiNg........P

The structure of Indian society has always been male dominated. But in the modern era, women tried to break the centuries of shackles by venturing into male dominated areas. Last century witnessed number of initiatives and path breaking steps taken by the females. Today, Indian women stand head to head with Indian males when it comes to performance and equality. However, with wave of women empowerment came new set of problems. When the women started to venture on their own without male escorts, they made themselves vulnerable to public glares. The concept of eve teasing emerged during the 60s and 70s. It’s basically an Indian term and you will not find it in dictionary.
Eve teasing is a menace that has grown to alarming proportions. Not many cities in India are considered safe for women. Though, we are one of the fastest growing countries in world but we have yet to ensure the safety of working women and students. Eve teasing is a huge issue in many metropolitan cities of India. It depicts incidents of public sexual harassment, street harassment or molestation of women by men. Eve teasing also involves sexually suggestive remarks, groping, making lewd gestures and perverted teasing. These disturbing incidents usually take place in public transport, streets, offices and public places.
Eve TeasingThere has been contrasting school of thoughts about incidents of eve teasing. Some traditionalists blame it on females saying they provoke the culprits by wearing suggestive dresses. They recommend old-fashioned dresses for women. However, going by the records; it is hard to prove that conservatively dressed women have not gone through eve teasing. School girls, college going students, working women etc regularly go through humiliating comments by the unruly men. Eve teasing can leave a permanent psychological scar on women.
One study shows that 35 percent of the eve teasers are anti-socials, 32 percent are students and 33 percent of eve teasers belong to middle age. Large numbers of females in metropolitan cities are carrying deterrents to protect themselves. Many others are taking self-defence classes. Though the judiciary and government are taking stringent actions against eve teasers but statistics do not show any real improvement.

Sunday, 28 August 2011


The cities of India, Like Mumbai, New Delhi leads other cities when it comes to crime against women. A large percentage of Indian women have faced or are facing this menace. Whether it is a public transport system or public places or shopping malls or multiplexes, women find themselves vulnerable to the threat of eve teasing everywhere.

FREEZE THE TEASE- Stand Up Against Eve Teasing

No girl has been spared from being a victim of eve teasing. This is the harsh reality in India, essentially so in any of the 4000 odd cities and towns in India. Eve teasing is an unforgivable act that injects disgrace, fear, disgust and helplessness in the victim. Being subjected to many instances of eve teasing is an inseparable part of every girl's life causing much avoidable mental torture to her. A lewd stare, a sly whistle, an unwarranted bump, a seemingly casual touch, a lingering look at a vulnerable time, the humming of a suggestive song, passing downright ill-mannered comments, cheap gestures, the display of an indecent snap or video, bikes flying close with hands stretched to grope you, passing by in slow moving cars blasting loud music with many eyes inside measuring you up... all these are typical examples of eve teasing. This truth stares at the face of a girl much before she reaches adolescence. Eve teasing is a common incident, be it in buses, shopping arcades, cinema halls, shopping malls, pubs, restaurants, auto/bus-terminals, railway booking counters and every other conceivable place; but the one place where it happens with alarming frequency is on the road. The only way an eve teaser can be caught is if passersby who witness him indulging in such an act react. One cannot wait for the police to be on the prowl at every street corner all the time awaiting acts of eve teasing, the sad fact is that not many eve teasers are bought to book. The police see through the seemingly innocent pleas of an eve teaser and take stern action against these shameless offenders, but that is only when the matter comes to their notice or eve teasers are brought to them by public action. Every person caught eve teasing should be dealt with in all sternness and there should not be any mercy for first time offenders. The best way to prevent stubborn eve teasers who defy and question authority is to produce them before their family and unmask their true instincts. The sense of shame will ensure that they never resort to such a thing again and further this will serve as a stern warning for others who even think of indulging in it.