Eve teasing is a growing problem in India. According to National Crime Records Bureau, the fastest growing crime in India is violence against women. That explains the magnitude of the situation. Every year, cases pertaining to sexual harassment and violence against women show significant percentage increase. In fact, one just has to look at the newspapers. A thorough look at inside pages dealing with local news will show number of incidents against women. Though, we have grown by leaps and bounds yet the most basic structure of society is showing no signs of improvement. In a patriarchal society, women do not enjoy that kind of status. It is always a battle for independent minded women to prove that they are not promiscuous and amoral.
Eve teasing is rampant throughout India for all young women regardless of race, nationality and colour. At some point, spread of globalisation has also contributed to this shameful fact. Western entertainment portrays women in over the top sexual form and that has proved detrimental in case of Indian women. Eve teasing could take place in any form; right from lecherous glances to perverted touching. Working women and college going girls are always in danger of being eve teased. The normal perception that women instigate males for untoward actions is far from true.
Even if a female files a case against the culprits or raises her voice, she has to prove her modesty. It is she who is always subject to chastity. In a way, equality of men and women is still a fallacy and not a fact. We, as a society we have miles to go before men and women can be treated equally.
Every man needs to be aware of ‘how to treat a woman’. A woman is not just a sexual object. Eve teasing in India has to do with women empowerment and girl education. What’s the point of education if the people are not even willing to respect women? The traditional mindset often blames the eve teasing incidents on women that they provoke male by wearing scanty clothes. That is actually a lame excuse. Even if females wear modern dresses it does not give men licence to harass women. The answer lies in changing the mindset and inculcating morals and values in our education system.
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