Eve teasing is a euphemism used for sexual harassment, street harassment and obscene behaviour. Eve teasing is a major problem in India, especially in metropolitan cities. The capital of India, New Delhi leads other cities when it comes to crime against women. A large percentage of Indian women have faced or are facing this menace. Whether it is a public transport system or public places or shopping malls or multiplexes, women find themselves vulnerable to the threat of eve teasing everywhere. Eve teasing is complex problem and it requires more attention that what it has actually got.
As we know, the term ‘eve teasing’ is an Indian origin. The term itself has some demerits. Eve represents temptress and the term actually signifies that eves (women) tempt or provoke males for vulgar comments and behaviours. Ironically, that also means women cause the problem and are also a victim to it. But that is almost like blaming the victims for their sufferings. It also depicts an element of male chauvinism. Probing further, the problem of eve teasing took its roots during the 60s when women had started to venture out for schools, colleges and jobs. A social change was taking place in conservative India. The giant movement of women emancipation came with its own side effects and one of them was eve teasing.
Eve teasing keeps surfacing in different forms. Right from a flirtatious comment to street harassment and molestation, it can turn disastrous for women. No amounts of efforts and policies have proved to be particularly effective against this serious problem. Though, government and administration has taken steps like deploying plain clothed cops and special units like anti Romeo squads to curb the menace. Some of the state governments have made eve teasing a non-bailable offence.
Eve teasing is a complex social problem that will not vanish until the mindset is changed. Apart from law, it is also about education and respecting women. Just because women are considered weaker sex doesn’t mean that they should take things lying down. Awareness is the need of hour and government should take step towards it.
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